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Gospel Sermons

Spring Gospel Meeting 2023 - An Eternal Perspective

Sermon TitleSermon pdfSpeaker DateTime
David & Goliath - A Perspective on Facing GiantsDavid & Goliath - A Perspective on Facing Giants Jerry KingMarch 26, 2023Sunday Class am
Asaph - An Envy PerspectiveAsaph - An Envy Perspective Jerry KingMarch 26, 2023 Sunday am
Mary Anoints Jesus - A Servant's PerspectiveMary Anoints Jesus - A Servant's Perspective Jerry KingMarch 26, 2023 Sunday pm
Israel - A Militant PerspectiveIsrael - A Militant Perspective Jerry KingMarch 27, 2023 Monday pm
The Jerusalem Church - A Congregational Perspective The Jerusalem Church - A Congregational PerspectiveJerry King March 28, 2023Tuesday pm
Moses - An End of Life PerspectiveMoses - An End of Life Perspective Jerry King March 29, 2023Wednesday pm

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